Sent Date: Monday, January 26, 2015
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
So this week I went to Laplace on exchanges, and I met Brother Andrews. Who is my Dads cousin, It was super fun to be around him he pointed out our cleft chin. That was really fun and so was being in Laplace, there are some really cool missionaries there. In our ward in the next little bit we will have 4 baptisms I am super excited for all those missionaries. My companion and I have been working hard mostly finding trying to grow our area. Lots of knocking doors and looking through the area book.
Life is good even though lots of people in the Zone that are sick so we are working through that other than that nothing but sunshine and rainbows The Laplace district is doing so much better. We went to their District and instructed, the spirit was super strong. Elder McCutchean said that it isn't normally like that but I felt the spirit super strong. They are all doing really well, Elder Carson is an amazing missionary. I was really impressed my him, he is ready to, as it were strike out on his own. As all new missionaries want to do even if they love their companion, they just want to try it out on their own. The other missionaries in the apartment are good missionaries as well. I think they are not feeling like good missionaries, this is having a positive affect on them because they are pushing themselves harder and harder, and getting more and more stuff done. I was really impressed by the missionaries there.
Thanks so much let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Love ya President!
Elder Andrews
"Make no small plans: This is the vision I have for the South. I believe that one day the South will baptize more people into the church than all other English speaking missions in the world together....We will see the time when we will baptize hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands...In your day you will see a million members of the church in the South. There will be temples plural in the Southern States. What a great call you have to serve with these marvelous people." President Spencer W. Kimball
Monday, January 26, 2015
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
MLK Jr Day and Visit from 70s
Sorry this week was super crazy and it lingered on into yesterday so we decided to move p-day so here I am. Anyway I had so many close encounters with the Seventies it was crazy. But I choose a cabin somewhere [for the family vacation]. That is defiantly what I want to do just hang out and watch movies an play. Cabin. I really don't want to go to California. Please not that. And I was thinking when is the Andrews campout? I am pretty excited for that too.
Can you find Elder Andrews? Look close. |
This week I met Elder Teh of the first quorum of the Seventy and Elder Parker our regional seventy and I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Elder Teh and I talked to Elder Parker for a while as well. I got to spend a lot of time with them. Here are the top three things I learned from them:
1. Don't waste time
2. An example is the best teacher
3. Just be obedient. You don't have to find out if it is a good cause. Just do it.
Anyway it was super fun except that I have had a cold this whole time, for a week and a half. It is super annoying because we have been so busy I just haven't had the time to take a break and get better. I have been trying to drink lots and take vitamins, but I think today I will kill it with some serious sleep. [He didn't, he went to a bouncy house instead. Didn't have time to sleep; the day just got away from me. ]
We also had some programs for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We sung in a baptismal program. Then marched in a parade; it was super fun. we where pretty much the only white people there. It was super fun, everyone loved us.
Here are the pictures I've sent you: down town, Elder Teh's visit, Elder Teh and the rest of my zone, a Martin Luther King Jr program that all our missionaries went to, then a parade that we marched in for MLK the guy with the beany is a rapper named D1 and then after his is the Mayor of NOLA then there is the actual parade and a picture of the mall.
Con amor,
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Dad Says...
Weekly Letter - 20 Jan 2015
Sent Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
This week was super busy. You were there for most of it. Super cool. I have been sick all week but as my Dad always said that responsibility comes before sickness, so we have just kept working. Our Zone is doing really well. Sorry this is not going to be long email. Awesome week, everyone is good, life is awesome. Thanks for anything you do.
Love ya
Elder Andrews
Sent Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
This week was super busy. You were there for most of it. Super cool. I have been sick all week but as my Dad always said that responsibility comes before sickness, so we have just kept working. Our Zone is doing really well. Sorry this is not going to be long email. Awesome week, everyone is good, life is awesome. Thanks for anything you do.
Love ya
Elder Andrews
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Words of Affirmation
Dear Brother and Sister Andrews,
I had the opportunity of visiting with your son as part of my tour of the Louisiana Baton Rouge Mission on January 13-14, 2015.
He is a wonderful young man and it was a joy to get acquainted with him. He has a tender heart and is sensitive to the spirit. He desires to do the very best. He is a good zone leader and a good example to other missionaries.

He is a wonderful young man and it was a joy to get acquainted with him. He has a tender heart and is sensitive to the spirit. He desires to do the very best. He is a good zone leader and a good example to other missionaries.
Thank you for raising a good missionary. He is making a wonderful contribution to the work of the Lord. President and Sister Hansen speak highly of him.
Michael Teh
Monday, January 12, 2015
Sugehey's Baptism!
Sujey got baptized on Saturday. So we went to Morgan City on Friday it was super fun. Then we spent the night, but I am getting ahead of myself.
Monday we played soccer with a bunch of people it was super fun. Then Tuesday we had district meeting. Wednesday we had MLC(Mission Leadership Counsel) it was super fun. We had Elder Bluth, the area seventy, come and talk to us. It was interesting and all really he talked about was a little change that we can do to improve as missionaries. I related it to "A matter of a Few Degrees". I really enjoyed MLC; I came into it with lots of different questions and it was so funny to see how precisely my questions were answered.
Then on Friday we had ZTM it was a good meeting in which we tried to involve as many people as possible. It was really a spiritual experience. My main goal in ZTM was to motivate people to look inward and try to see how they can improve.
Right after ZTM we had to go to Morgan City, as I said before, because Elder Walker had to interview Sujey (PS her name is spelled Sugehey). She passed obviously. So awesome. It was really fun to be back in Morgan City, especially without the stress of anything. I really love those people and it was so fun to see all of them and to see that they are all doing well.
I am so grateful that I got to be a part of the process of Sugehey's baptisms. It is so wonderful to see her faith and her understanding of the Covenant that she has made. I know this Church is true and am really sad that I only have 5 months left. That is absolutely crazy to me. Church is true we need to hold onto what we know always.
Love y'all,
Cool Things Coming Up
January 5, 2015
This week we had so much fun and did lots of work. I found out that Sujey is going to get baptized this Saturday so we are going to go! I am super excited to see her.
We have some cool things going on in the next couple of weeks. Wednesday is MLC and the Area 70 is going to come and I am super pumped about it. Then next Wednesday we have Zone Conference with Elder Teh. We are super excited about that! Oh my Gosh I am so excited. Then on the 30th we have another MLC with Elder Cook. Then Stake Conference with him on the 31. Super super cool!
Love Y'all
Monday, January 5, 2015
Sent Date: Monday, January 5, 2015
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
I am super excited for these coming weeks. There is nothing really going on, just us doing our job. The Zone is doing good. As you are informed Sister Roberts and Sister Baird are struggling with companionship unity. We are working with them and we are doing all that we can to help them, and in the end it is between them and the Lord.
Elder Walker and I have been doing lots of finding. We have found some good people and are excited to teach them. We are working really hard to find and help our ward out. The Leaders in our Ward are super stressed. So us as missionaries have decided to help them in anyway we can.
Love ya see you on Wednesday.
Elder Andrews
Sent Date: Monday, January 5, 2015
Author: President Hansen
I feel like if we can get the members of ward leadership to be member present everything in the wards will improve.
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
I am super excited for these coming weeks. There is nothing really going on, just us doing our job. The Zone is doing good. As you are informed Sister Roberts and Sister Baird are struggling with companionship unity. We are working with them and we are doing all that we can to help them, and in the end it is between them and the Lord.
Elder Walker and I have been doing lots of finding. We have found some good people and are excited to teach them. We are working really hard to find and help our ward out. The Leaders in our Ward are super stressed. So us as missionaries have decided to help them in anyway we can.
Love ya see you on Wednesday.
Elder Andrews
Sent Date: Monday, January 5, 2015
Author: President Hansen
I feel like if we can get the members of ward leadership to be member present everything in the wards will improve.
New Year's Goals
Sent Date: Monday, January 5, 2015
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
I am super excited for these coming weeks. There is nothing really going on, just us doing our job. The Zone is doing good. As you are informed Sister Roberts and Sister Baird are struggling with companionship unity. We are working with them and we are doing all that we can to help them, and in the end it is between them and the Lord. Elder Walker and I have been doing lots of finding. We have found some good people and are excited to teach them. We are working really hard to find and help our ward out. The Leaders in our Ward are super stressed. So us as missionaries have decided to help them in anyway we can.
Love ya see you on Wednesday.
Elder Andrews
Sent Date: Monday, January 5, 2015
Author: President Hansen
I feel like if we can get the members of ward leadership to be member present everything in the wards will improve.
New Year's Goals
Sent Date: Monday, January 5, 2015
Author: President Hansen
Dear Mission Leaders,
I love the leaders in this mission and I am so proud of each of you. As we begin a new year let's think about what we want to accomplish.Work with your districts to set goals for finding, teaching, baptizing, and reactivation. I gt a note from one of our district leaders who had made a goal with his district to teach and average of twenty lessons per week and the first week the exceeded that number. Goals are so motivational, especially if the missionaries have a hand in creating them.
Here is a part of his letter to me:
We set a goal as a district to get 80 lessons in one week this transfer and we accomplished it! My purpose for doing that was to get us to stretch and find more people to teach. And now the goal is find more people and use the members to help them. Basically get those 80 lessons into member present. That's our goal. I'm exited for the zone conference. This is an example of an inspired District Leader.
President Hansen
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
I am super excited for these coming weeks. There is nothing really going on, just us doing our job. The Zone is doing good. As you are informed Sister Roberts and Sister Baird are struggling with companionship unity. We are working with them and we are doing all that we can to help them, and in the end it is between them and the Lord. Elder Walker and I have been doing lots of finding. We have found some good people and are excited to teach them. We are working really hard to find and help our ward out. The Leaders in our Ward are super stressed. So us as missionaries have decided to help them in anyway we can.
Love ya see you on Wednesday.
Elder Andrews
Sent Date: Monday, January 5, 2015
Author: President Hansen
I feel like if we can get the members of ward leadership to be member present everything in the wards will improve.
New Year's Goals
Sent Date: Monday, January 5, 2015
Author: President Hansen
Dear Mission Leaders,
I love the leaders in this mission and I am so proud of each of you. As we begin a new year let's think about what we want to accomplish.Work with your districts to set goals for finding, teaching, baptizing, and reactivation. I gt a note from one of our district leaders who had made a goal with his district to teach and average of twenty lessons per week and the first week the exceeded that number. Goals are so motivational, especially if the missionaries have a hand in creating them.
Here is a part of his letter to me:
We set a goal as a district to get 80 lessons in one week this transfer and we accomplished it! My purpose for doing that was to get us to stretch and find more people to teach. And now the goal is find more people and use the members to help them. Basically get those 80 lessons into member present. That's our goal. I'm exited for the zone conference. This is an example of an inspired District Leader.
President Hansen
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