Transfers!! I am leaving and going to Metairie with Elder Drollinger. I am nervous about my new calling and transfers. I am just a little bit scared because my new calling is to be Zone Leader...scary. I hope I will do a good job. But I am excited! Another day, another lesson! It is all super cool.
This week we have been working really hard and I have been so tired. Super tired! It was really drawing on me. But then, like a miracle that only the misinformed can appreciate, Day Light Savings came to the rescue. Miracle! Anyway I am really sad to leave. I really love this branch a ton. It has been an amazing time to be here and to meet the people that I have met. Today I have just been saying goodbye to everyone and it is super sad. This is truly an amazing place. I have learned so much. But now I have to go somewhere else to learn and I am so SO excited for that!

This week I read Judges and I really just love how the Lord never gives up on those gosh dang stubborn Jews. They do something dumb and the Lord bails them out. The whole time I was reading it I was thinking "Ya bunch of idiots. What are you doing? Shape up! Be good!" But then I thought, how many times has the Lord had to bail me out and done it EVERY SINGLE TIME. We are super luck that the Lord loves us. We are soooooooo lucky that we have someone to bail us out every single time without fail. We need to learn to rely on him and also realize that we are relying on him. LIFE IS AWESOME.
Love y'all,
Elder Andrews
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