This week we did a ton of service. We are helping a sister who had her name removed from the Church records. We painted her porch and her neighbors house! My comp and I worked almost everyday on that house. It was a lot, and I am going to miss them. Man I am really going to miss this place! It just started to feel like home! But God has a plan. Anyway we found out that the house is painted in lead paint so that sorta explains why it was so hard to come off!! But we came up with a SAFE way to get it off and then yesterday started to paint. Elder Smith and I taught this (former) member a lesson about the scriptures and she very politely, cause she loves Smith and I, said, "I like being Catholic!" :( So we were really bummed but we still love her to death. The hardest thing about being a missionary is the ones that for reasons you can't explain, it is just not the right time for. You are just a drop in the drink of water that they need. And that has to be enough. It is hard but it is enough. I love this area so much and am so sad to go. But I will love my next area just as much.
Love y'all,
Elder Andrews

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