Sent Date: Monday, December 29, 2014
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
Man talking to my parents for the 3rd time was weird, I have been here for a long time. It really doesn't feel that way at all I still feel all new and shiny.... Well not so shiny; Anyway, this week with Christmas and then Elder Walker getting sick we where less than 100% but there was some very important things that happened this week that I would like to share with you. First is Monday at a Family Home Evening, Donal and Angie and us were invited, with a little inviting on our part to a members house. So here is a little thing about Donal and Angie, they are kids, scared kids at that. So on the way to the FHE they were having a literal panic attack. I was just sitting there in the back smiling. We walk up to the door to them saying every single excuse they can think of, I knock and it was about 2 minutes till they where having the time of there lives. We had to leave at 9 and they STAYED AFTER WE LEFT. HA. Awesome. Now they have friends beside the missionaries and The Bishop. It was a good week. We got lots of thinks done, and will continually work to diligently.
Love ya,
Elder Andrews
Sent Date: Monday, December 29, 2014
Author: President Hansen
I am so glad they are making friends. That is what makes the member presents so valuable.
"Make no small plans: This is the vision I have for the South. I believe that one day the South will baptize more people into the church than all other English speaking missions in the world together....We will see the time when we will baptize hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands...In your day you will see a million members of the church in the South. There will be temples plural in the Southern States. What a great call you have to serve with these marvelous people." President Spencer W. Kimball
Monday, December 29, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
Talk to You Soon!
So I got a new companion. Elder Walker, he is a really cool guy. I am really excited for this transfer especially for Christmas! I am super excited to talk to everyone on Thursday! Super, super excited. I will be calling from the Paz's house, I will call at 1. I am super excited.
This week Angie was baptized. It was amazing to see her finally be baptized. It was a really long time in the process. Angie was super excited and Donal is super excited about the church now. He is going to become an elder next month I am so excited!! so sick. It was a really good week.
Mini Golfing on P-day |
Nativity and Sacrament
Dec 16 at 11:00 AM
I have been studying the Nativity lately and I have learned a lot of things. I love the thinking of Mary and Joseph looking for some place to stay. They are walking around looking for some place to stay. Every place that they go is closed just imagine what they where thinking about the throng of people before them I imagine it was something like this: "You don't understand. Today is the most important day that has happened up to this point, Today the Savior of the WORLD comes, your Savior and your Savior, when you get to heaven you are going to wish you had let us in." Something like that, looking at the people thinking when they realize the chance they missed they are going to regret it. But Mary and Joseph, the faithful parents push on and finally find a place to stay. In a stable, not that weird of a place mind you. They found it they made it. There is some many more symbolic things there. That is just a little thing that struck me.
Elder Drollinger is leaving. That is sad, but I'll make it work. This week was good, Angie is going to get baptized on Saturday and I am super excited for her and for the amazing step that she is taking. We have been working really hard with her and Donal, her husband, to help him to be advanced to a Priest and then next month to be an Elder.
Just really quickly I want to testify of the importance of the Sacrament. I love the opportunity that I have to partake every week I look at it like a Checkpoint. I never understood the importance of it before my mission but I love it so much. The opportunity we have to have an accountablility with the Lord every week and see what we did well, what things we can do better then set goals and do them.
This week I was struggling hard core. I was praying really earnestly during sacrament, which is last hour, and after I took the sacrament I was ready. I was ready to do the things that I was going to be asked to do. I still feel the power that it brought into my life right now. It is one of the best assets that we have and it is so horrible that I was lax in my efforts to partake before my mission. Now I know why we take it. I know that it is important. I testify to all of you that if you worthly partake of the sacrament each week there will be nothing that week that you cannot over come. And even if you fall all the more reason to take it the next week and try again.
Love you. Thanks so much for everything. I feel the strength that your prayers give me.
Elder Andrews
Fish Stories
This week I went on an exchange to Covington and then to Mandiville to solve some problems that were going on. It was super cool. I met this guy and he TOLD US A FISH STORY, about him catching 47 foot long fish. Super funny. He must be a really good fisherman. It is really cool to help out their district. Life is good. Life is awesome!!
We also had ZTM this week it was really good. We had a lot of things to talk about but it was really interesting and spiritual. Super awesome. Life is super awesome. I am super tired but it is cool.
OK well this is what it is like being a Zone Leader: all is fine and dandy if you have good district leaders. If you don't then you end up taking on the problems of the district. We have 4 districts and 30 missionaries. It is cool, I like the challenge. It just means some days we are so tired that we come in and crash in our church clothes. Also it is hard to teach people when you are helping lots of missionaries. Problems are typically like people watching movies, staying out too late. But more than that it is comps that don't get along. Sorry I am running out of time.
If a missionary is down, you have to find out why. It is usually for three reasons
1. Disobedience. Life sucks when you are disobedient.
2. Problems at home. With that all you can do is build their faith, obviously I am talking generally if you ask me this question later I can give you a bigger explanation on all these things. and
3. They don't understand why they are here.
I am exercising, not as much as I want but as much as I can with my limited time. I am super tired by the end of the day but I am finally sleeping through the night so I wake up ready for a new day, new adventures and new problems.
Life as a Zone Leader and Jimmer
NOV 28, 2014
This week was good. There has been a lot going on. Lots of problems in our Zone. But we have been figuring them out.
This week was good. There has been a lot going on. Lots of problems in our Zone. But we have been figuring them out.
The best thing about being a zone leader is that we are super busy and I have to do things that are really hard and it pushes me, really pushes me super hard. I have to make calls and do things that I never thought I would. I like it a lot.
The other side to being Zone Leader is life in the fast lane; so many problems, so many issues, so much drama. Elder Drollinger and I are lucky when we get in on time and when we do we come in and fall asleep in our proselyting clothes. I mean really and truly I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve these amazing missionaries. I am humbled everyday by their testimonies and their spirit. Don't take the wrong message away from this, I am working hard. I absolutely love it every part. The good, the bad all of it is amazing. I just am in need of some council. Life could not get any better. Reallly and truly.
This week I went on exchanges with the Jefferson elders. It was really cool; they are really new and it was funny to see them and their view on the mission and everything. I really like going on exchanges. Anyway life is really good. We have Angie who is going to be baptized on the December 20. This is a really big deal because this date marks several Elders entire missions. It is amazing to be here at the end of this great process.
This week was really fun we where knocking doors and we go to knock and we hear someone chanting in Spanish really loud. It was weird so I peek in the window, and there are four women standing in the room praying in Spanish really loud. So we listen to what they are praying about, and they are praying for answers so I look at my companion and say, "Dude we are about to answer their prayers." So we wait and wait and then they stop. I smile at my comp and knock on the door and they answer and totally shut us down... Hard core. We were like, are you kidding me!! So we moved on and kept working, good day. Life is all about finding little things. Missions especially.
Love y'all let me know if you have any questions!!
Elder Andrews
PS Jimmer is in our ward.
Angie's Baptism
Sent Date: Monday, December 22, 2014
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
This week was Angie's baptism. Amazing. It was a really awesome experience. I was super excited that Elder Yardley well Klynt could come back and baptize her. We really had some awesome miracles. One of the most awesome things that happened was that Donal is all of the sudden excited to advance in the priesthood. They are so excited to be members of the Church and the ward is accepting them.
The Zone is good. No problems at all.
I am loving this, life is good. I am excited for this transfer and all that will happen. We have
been having lots of members come out with us.
Elder Andrews
Sent Date: Monday, December 22, 2014
Author: President Hansen
You sure have. Good job with the Member Present Lessons
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
This week was Angie's baptism. Amazing. It was a really awesome experience. I was super excited that Elder Yardley well Klynt could come back and baptize her. We really had some awesome miracles. One of the most awesome things that happened was that Donal is all of the sudden excited to advance in the priesthood. They are so excited to be members of the Church and the ward is accepting them.
The Zone is good. No problems at all.
I am loving this, life is good. I am excited for this transfer and all that will happen. We have
been having lots of members come out with us.
Elder Andrews
Sent Date: Monday, December 22, 2014
Author: President Hansen
You sure have. Good job with the Member Present Lessons
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Member Involvment
Sent Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
This week was good, as a Zone we have been trying to ask more members to come out with us. Elder Drollinger and I decided to set the example and so we have. We have been asking lots of people to come out with us. We have seen lots of success from that as far as building relations between the members and the investigators, and other less actives. The others missionaries have been asking people to come out with us. Awesome blessing are coming from it. So Angie is going to be baptized this week, we are super excited for her. Elder Yardley, well Klynt Yardley is going to come and visit for the baptism. We still need her to be interviewed I don't know if you have time in you scheduled for that but if not maybe one of the Assistance could.
I am excited for this new transfer and all the things that I can learn and for all the challenges that it will pose. Let me know if there is anything that I can do to improve I am working on being EXACTLY obedient. I know that there is blessing from it that is why we are working so hard to show our Zone the blessing.
Love ya,
Elder Andrews
Sent Date: Friday, December 19, 2014
Author: President Hansen
I love you for your diligence and obedience. Six member present lessons makes me so
happy. I know the Lord will bless you.
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
This week was good, as a Zone we have been trying to ask more members to come out with us. Elder Drollinger and I decided to set the example and so we have. We have been asking lots of people to come out with us. We have seen lots of success from that as far as building relations between the members and the investigators, and other less actives. The others missionaries have been asking people to come out with us. Awesome blessing are coming from it. So Angie is going to be baptized this week, we are super excited for her. Elder Yardley, well Klynt Yardley is going to come and visit for the baptism. We still need her to be interviewed I don't know if you have time in you scheduled for that but if not maybe one of the Assistance could.
I am excited for this new transfer and all the things that I can learn and for all the challenges that it will pose. Let me know if there is anything that I can do to improve I am working on being EXACTLY obedient. I know that there is blessing from it that is why we are working so hard to show our Zone the blessing.
Love ya,
Elder Andrews
Sent Date: Friday, December 19, 2014
Author: President Hansen
I love you for your diligence and obedience. Six member present lessons makes me so
happy. I know the Lord will bless you.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Sister Drama
Sent Date: Monday, December 8, 2014
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
This week was really good. I went on an exchange to Covington with Elder Porter and then to Mandiville with Elder Trainor. They are both really good missionaries. It was interesting. I was happy to do the exchange with Elder Porter he is really a cool guy he is really new and that is hard for him. He is scared, I mean a mission is really scary, but he is learning lots and I know that he will learn. Elder Trainor is doing really well up there. That District is really good. So we talked to Sister Allen for a long while after ZTM. She is worried about Sister Roberts and Elder Drollinger and I afterwards where talking about why Sister Roberts is even out here and we think that she doesn't want to go home. Because it isn't the same. Matter of fact her whole home life is completely changed from what it was. So we are constantly trying to help her. She needs a foundation, people in her life that are constant and that are Family. She doesn't need council, she doesn't need to be yelled at she need the people around her to accept her and love her for who she is. Now of course like in all family relation you try and correct her if she is doing something wrong but she needs love President. But her district is so dysfunctional. Their are lots of problems in that district.
President I am so excited to try and help these missionaries reach their full potential. They are awesome. Our ZTM was really good and everyone did the 2 day music fast, they really liked.
We also have a fun little competition going on for morning fitness. I am excited about it you will see some of it tomorrow, were we will announce the winner for this week. I really do see a change coming in our mission. the culture is changing and people are starting to work towards a little bit more ambitious goals something i want to start doing is making sure everyone sends in their numbers to you through this program.
Everything is great. We would like to know if you could interview Angie for baptism before the 20th? Thanks for all you do. Love ya thanks for everything. Really thanks for caring, i know it means a lot to all of us.
Elder Andrews
PS I know this is cheating but I am really nervous about this transfer especially as far as Elder Drollinger and I are concerned.... Any hints that you would be willing to give? Pennies for the poor??
Sent Date: Monday, December 8, 2014
Author: President Hansen
Tell me why I am interviewing Angie for her baptism? Abortion? criminal? sex change? :)
Sent Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
No no no she has just had all the missionaries in the area teach her so she needs either you or the assistants to do it. Right she needs to be interviewed by someone that hasn't taught her right? That is all we were thinking about. She should be good.
Attn: Zone Leaders, District Leaders and Sister Training Leaders
sent Date: Monday, December 15, 2014
Author: President Hansen
Dear Mission Leaders,
I have been noticing lately, many missionaries being lax with the mission rules; not following the schedule with exactness, listening and playing worldly music, going places and doing things that missionaries shouldn't do, etc. I know that none of these things seem too evil but I have come to know that the Lord will not bless us to achieve our purpose as missionaries if we will not give up the things of the world and commit ourselves without reservation to His work. By contrast I promise in the name of Jesus Christ that if we give ourselves completely to the work with out keeping one toenail in Babylon, The work will move forward here in a miraculous way.
We need to become better finders, teachers, nurturers. We are already seeing great blessings but we can see more. I need leaders who can not only teach these principles, but live them. Let me know if you can support me by living up to your holy callings.
I love each of you with all my heart,
President Hansen
From Sister Hansen
Sent Date: Monday, December 15, 2014
Author: President Hansen
Hello Everyone,
It was so great seeing all of you this week at the specialized trainings and later at 3 of our stakes' Christmas programs!!
Wow, they were all really impressive and really brought the Spirit of Christmas to the audiences. It was also wonderful to see so many of our missionaries perform and help out and even organize some of these events. I especially appreciated the help with the meals and clean up at the trainings!
Just a reminder about a couple of things:
When someone is performing or speaking, please don't get up or talk to another person unless absolutely necessary. Don't congregate in large groups of missionaries at ward or stake events. Of course y'all love seeing each other, but remember that we need to be looking for less actives, investigators and even fellow shipping members. It sounds weird but it almost seems a little clicky, like we like each other more than those around us.
I love walking into a building and seeing you wonderful missionaries. If I ever feel down or tired, all I have to do is shake your hands or get some hugs and I am regenerated. You radiate goodness and the Spirit. You have so much power in you, it is tangible!!!
I hope y'all have a wonderful week and a great Christmas!
With so much love,
Sister Hansen
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
This week was really good. I went on an exchange to Covington with Elder Porter and then to Mandiville with Elder Trainor. They are both really good missionaries. It was interesting. I was happy to do the exchange with Elder Porter he is really a cool guy he is really new and that is hard for him. He is scared, I mean a mission is really scary, but he is learning lots and I know that he will learn. Elder Trainor is doing really well up there. That District is really good. So we talked to Sister Allen for a long while after ZTM. She is worried about Sister Roberts and Elder Drollinger and I afterwards where talking about why Sister Roberts is even out here and we think that she doesn't want to go home. Because it isn't the same. Matter of fact her whole home life is completely changed from what it was. So we are constantly trying to help her. She needs a foundation, people in her life that are constant and that are Family. She doesn't need council, she doesn't need to be yelled at she need the people around her to accept her and love her for who she is. Now of course like in all family relation you try and correct her if she is doing something wrong but she needs love President. But her district is so dysfunctional. Their are lots of problems in that district.
President I am so excited to try and help these missionaries reach their full potential. They are awesome. Our ZTM was really good and everyone did the 2 day music fast, they really liked.
We also have a fun little competition going on for morning fitness. I am excited about it you will see some of it tomorrow, were we will announce the winner for this week. I really do see a change coming in our mission. the culture is changing and people are starting to work towards a little bit more ambitious goals something i want to start doing is making sure everyone sends in their numbers to you through this program.
Everything is great. We would like to know if you could interview Angie for baptism before the 20th? Thanks for all you do. Love ya thanks for everything. Really thanks for caring, i know it means a lot to all of us.
Elder Andrews
PS I know this is cheating but I am really nervous about this transfer especially as far as Elder Drollinger and I are concerned.... Any hints that you would be willing to give? Pennies for the poor??
Sent Date: Monday, December 8, 2014
Author: President Hansen
Tell me why I am interviewing Angie for her baptism? Abortion? criminal? sex change? :)
Sent Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
No no no she has just had all the missionaries in the area teach her so she needs either you or the assistants to do it. Right she needs to be interviewed by someone that hasn't taught her right? That is all we were thinking about. She should be good.
Attn: Zone Leaders, District Leaders and Sister Training Leaders
sent Date: Monday, December 15, 2014
Author: President Hansen
Dear Mission Leaders,
I have been noticing lately, many missionaries being lax with the mission rules; not following the schedule with exactness, listening and playing worldly music, going places and doing things that missionaries shouldn't do, etc. I know that none of these things seem too evil but I have come to know that the Lord will not bless us to achieve our purpose as missionaries if we will not give up the things of the world and commit ourselves without reservation to His work. By contrast I promise in the name of Jesus Christ that if we give ourselves completely to the work with out keeping one toenail in Babylon, The work will move forward here in a miraculous way.
We need to become better finders, teachers, nurturers. We are already seeing great blessings but we can see more. I need leaders who can not only teach these principles, but live them. Let me know if you can support me by living up to your holy callings.
I love each of you with all my heart,
President Hansen
From Sister Hansen
Sent Date: Monday, December 15, 2014
Author: President Hansen
Hello Everyone,
It was so great seeing all of you this week at the specialized trainings and later at 3 of our stakes' Christmas programs!!
Wow, they were all really impressive and really brought the Spirit of Christmas to the audiences. It was also wonderful to see so many of our missionaries perform and help out and even organize some of these events. I especially appreciated the help with the meals and clean up at the trainings!
Just a reminder about a couple of things:
When someone is performing or speaking, please don't get up or talk to another person unless absolutely necessary. Don't congregate in large groups of missionaries at ward or stake events. Of course y'all love seeing each other, but remember that we need to be looking for less actives, investigators and even fellow shipping members. It sounds weird but it almost seems a little clicky, like we like each other more than those around us.
I love walking into a building and seeing you wonderful missionaries. If I ever feel down or tired, all I have to do is shake your hands or get some hugs and I am regenerated. You radiate goodness and the Spirit. You have so much power in you, it is tangible!!!
I hope y'all have a wonderful week and a great Christmas!
With so much love,
Sister Hansen
FROM PH: Radar Up
"Radar Up"
Sent Date: Monday, December 8, 2014
Author: President Hansen
Dear Sisters and Elders,
You are all so great. I love getting your letters and seeing your amazing growth and success week to week.
I was talking to a Stake President this week. He told me that he was with a new convert who was talking about her children and grandchildren. He asked her if any of them knew anything about the church, to which she replied that they didn't. They lived near the convert but hadn't been invited to the lessons or the baptism. President Stock said that he felt like sometimes we were missing the easy opportunities to find and teach people that are right in our path. I love the thought of what happens if we just become more aware of asking members, investigators and less actives all the time if they know of someone who would benefit from our message. Sometimes a specific question like, "do you have any family members who we could talk to about the church," is a better way to ask the question.
Yesterday in church, I talked to some long term investigators who had invited the missionaries to meet their parents at Thanksgiving. The investigator's father loved one of the missionaries from the first minutes and the connection that was made eased the fears of the investigator about their parents reaction to their joining the Mormon Church. They were talking about their baptism with more confidence because they had included their parents in the circle.
Let's ask more questions about family. Let's invite people to share the gospel with their friends and family. When some one comes into a room or crosses our path Let's talk to them about the message we have. Bold missionaries are successful. Let's all be more bold. It has been gratifying to see the numbers of investigator lessons being taught go way up these last few weeks. I was pleased to see that even with the holiday, the missionaries were successfully teaching and finding. I am so proud of the missionaries in this mission. Thank you for your dedication.
Here are some of your thoughts and experiences this week:
-----He (district Leader) told me some tips about tracting and he said to always have good thoughts and think positively while you're tracting! So I decided to just have a good attitude and if people were going to reject us and be mean, I was just going to let it roll off my back. Well it was amazing! We had such good conversations with people, received phone numbers, and we are going to follow up soon. A few people rejected us but I noticed when we are happy, and people see that, we have the Spirit with us more!
-----President I hope missionaries in our mission understand that there are so many people who are prepared to hear our message God has prepared them and as we exercise our faith in him and his work we will be put in the paths of those people and find them, teach them and Baptize them, THIS IS A BAPTIZING MISSION!!!! As missionaries we need to plead with our Heavenly father in prayer and ask him to help us find those people who are ready to hear the message of the Restoration they are everywhere! Everyone needs the message we have to offer.
-----Another thing I have felt I need to do better is to be BOLD with our investigators. I think that is why most of them have stopped progressing. I love the talk "Becoming a Consecrated Missionary" and it really rings a bell when it says that we as missionaries are so afraid of offending people, we forget to SAVE people in the process. That is so me! So I am going to try to pray for help and change my ways this week.
-----I don't know if you remember, but when I left on my mission I was the only active member in my family. In my family there is me, my mom and dad, one older sister, two younger sisters, and a little brother. My younger siblings are 7, 9, and 11. My dad was baptized at 8 and then became inactive. My mom has become inactive since she married my dad in 2009. Well my mom is now going to church with my younger siblings, and my younger siblings are taking the missionary lessons and they are all three going to be baptized when my little sister turns 8 on December 6th!!! I am so excited!!
Sent Date: Monday, December 8, 2014
Author: President Hansen
Dear Sisters and Elders,
You are all so great. I love getting your letters and seeing your amazing growth and success week to week.
I was talking to a Stake President this week. He told me that he was with a new convert who was talking about her children and grandchildren. He asked her if any of them knew anything about the church, to which she replied that they didn't. They lived near the convert but hadn't been invited to the lessons or the baptism. President Stock said that he felt like sometimes we were missing the easy opportunities to find and teach people that are right in our path. I love the thought of what happens if we just become more aware of asking members, investigators and less actives all the time if they know of someone who would benefit from our message. Sometimes a specific question like, "do you have any family members who we could talk to about the church," is a better way to ask the question.
Yesterday in church, I talked to some long term investigators who had invited the missionaries to meet their parents at Thanksgiving. The investigator's father loved one of the missionaries from the first minutes and the connection that was made eased the fears of the investigator about their parents reaction to their joining the Mormon Church. They were talking about their baptism with more confidence because they had included their parents in the circle.
Let's ask more questions about family. Let's invite people to share the gospel with their friends and family. When some one comes into a room or crosses our path Let's talk to them about the message we have. Bold missionaries are successful. Let's all be more bold. It has been gratifying to see the numbers of investigator lessons being taught go way up these last few weeks. I was pleased to see that even with the holiday, the missionaries were successfully teaching and finding. I am so proud of the missionaries in this mission. Thank you for your dedication.
Here are some of your thoughts and experiences this week:
-----He (district Leader) told me some tips about tracting and he said to always have good thoughts and think positively while you're tracting! So I decided to just have a good attitude and if people were going to reject us and be mean, I was just going to let it roll off my back. Well it was amazing! We had such good conversations with people, received phone numbers, and we are going to follow up soon. A few people rejected us but I noticed when we are happy, and people see that, we have the Spirit with us more!
-----President I hope missionaries in our mission understand that there are so many people who are prepared to hear our message God has prepared them and as we exercise our faith in him and his work we will be put in the paths of those people and find them, teach them and Baptize them, THIS IS A BAPTIZING MISSION!!!! As missionaries we need to plead with our Heavenly father in prayer and ask him to help us find those people who are ready to hear the message of the Restoration they are everywhere! Everyone needs the message we have to offer.
-----Another thing I have felt I need to do better is to be BOLD with our investigators. I think that is why most of them have stopped progressing. I love the talk "Becoming a Consecrated Missionary" and it really rings a bell when it says that we as missionaries are so afraid of offending people, we forget to SAVE people in the process. That is so me! So I am going to try to pray for help and change my ways this week.
-----I don't know if you remember, but when I left on my mission I was the only active member in my family. In my family there is me, my mom and dad, one older sister, two younger sisters, and a little brother. My younger siblings are 7, 9, and 11. My dad was baptized at 8 and then became inactive. My mom has become inactive since she married my dad in 2009. Well my mom is now going to church with my younger siblings, and my younger siblings are taking the missionary lessons and they are all three going to be baptized when my little sister turns 8 on December 6th!!! I am so excited!!
Monday, December 1, 2014
Change the Culture of the Zone?
Author: Andrews, Zachary Jacob
This week I went on exchanges with the Jefferson elders it was really cool they are really new and it was funny to see them and their view on the mission and everything. I really like going on exchanges. Anyway life is really good. We have Angie who is going to be baptized on the December 20. This is a really big deal because this date marks several Elders entire missions. It is amazing to be here at the end of this great process. This week was really fun we where knocking doors and we go to knock and we hear someone chanting in Spanish really loud. It was weird so I peek in the window, and there are four women standing in the room praying in Spanish really loud. So we listen to what they are praying about, and they are praying for answers so I look at my companion and say dude we are about to answer their prayers. So we wait and wait and then they stop I smile at my comp and knock on the door and they answer and totally shut us down... Hard core. We where like are you kidding me!! So we moved on and kept working, good day. Life is all about finding little things. Missions especially.
The Zone is doing good a few problems but for the most part they are small and easily solved. We are working really hard, everyone is. So I have a question and I don't know if you will be able to answer it. How do I help change the culture of this Zone, and this Mission. We talked about this a little bit in our interview but, I would just like to hear some more of your thoughts. Currently my plan is to lead, I personally am going to try to break the mold. However I also have a Zone to think of. So I will pray and try to help them.
Thanks so much for everything.
Elder Andrews
Sent Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Author: President Hansen
Talk about all the baptisms that are taking place, about how the mission is becoming more obedient, about how the number of lessons with and without a member present is increasing. Set an example by the things you say and do. When you see someone breaking mission rules stand up to them and let them know it is not acceptable. Teach correct principles in all your training. Follow the spirit in all you do and pray for your missionaries.
This week I went on exchanges with the Jefferson elders it was really cool they are really new and it was funny to see them and their view on the mission and everything. I really like going on exchanges. Anyway life is really good. We have Angie who is going to be baptized on the December 20. This is a really big deal because this date marks several Elders entire missions. It is amazing to be here at the end of this great process. This week was really fun we where knocking doors and we go to knock and we hear someone chanting in Spanish really loud. It was weird so I peek in the window, and there are four women standing in the room praying in Spanish really loud. So we listen to what they are praying about, and they are praying for answers so I look at my companion and say dude we are about to answer their prayers. So we wait and wait and then they stop I smile at my comp and knock on the door and they answer and totally shut us down... Hard core. We where like are you kidding me!! So we moved on and kept working, good day. Life is all about finding little things. Missions especially.
The Zone is doing good a few problems but for the most part they are small and easily solved. We are working really hard, everyone is. So I have a question and I don't know if you will be able to answer it. How do I help change the culture of this Zone, and this Mission. We talked about this a little bit in our interview but, I would just like to hear some more of your thoughts. Currently my plan is to lead, I personally am going to try to break the mold. However I also have a Zone to think of. So I will pray and try to help them.
Thanks so much for everything.
Elder Andrews
Sent Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Author: President Hansen
Talk about all the baptisms that are taking place, about how the mission is becoming more obedient, about how the number of lessons with and without a member present is increasing. Set an example by the things you say and do. When you see someone breaking mission rules stand up to them and let them know it is not acceptable. Teach correct principles in all your training. Follow the spirit in all you do and pray for your missionaries.
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