I don't have much to say this week. I have been studying about charity and love. I have really been looking at the "worldly"(aka I have been looking in the dictionary) definitions of those word. Now I don't have my notebook, so I can't be as exact as I would like, but I can share with you the concept. In all the definitions I found there was two different themes. Love has the theme of Feelings, and Charity has the theme of Action. Now it makes sense why every other Character of Christ only has one topic or title, and Charity and Love has two. Because along with "faith without works is dead"(James 2:20), Love without Charity or Charity without Love is dead. I don't know maybe that is too much of a stretch.
I am really glad to be here President. I really love these people. I love them to death.(don't understand that phase probably shouldn't use it) Everyday I thank my Heavenly Father for the opportunity to struggle in His vineyard. I love this, I am having so much fun trying everyday to Love, Serve and Teach someone. So much fun. Sometimes I think I am doing something wrong cause I am having so much fun. Then I am reminded of disappointment, and that lands me straight back into the real world. Which is still really nice.
These letters I have been writing to you seem all dark and gloomy. But I can promise you the opposite is true life is good. Thanks for all you do. I keep you and Sister Wall in my prayers. And this letter is not short by any means. Sorry!
Elder Andrews
P.S. Can you text me and let me know when would be a good time to call you so we can talk about the Free-mason/Joseph Smith. Thanks!
Sent Date: Saturday, November 2, 2013
Author: President Wall
In the early history of the church. several church leaders were Freemasons. Joseph learned from them, that the masons were very loyal as a "brotherhood" and that they were very good at protecting their masonic codes and oaths. He felt that the saints needed more protection from the hostility of the people around them, remember that governor Boggs had issued the extermination order. He also knew that with the the revelation he was receiving on temple covenants and oaths, that the saints needed to know how to keep them sacred. Joining with the masons would help with both issues. Unfortunately, things didn't work out. Although he progressed to high levels in the masonic order (their oaths and covenants were very different from the ones he was receiving for the temple), members of the masonic order turned on him and broke their oaths of brotherhood and even joined with the mob that martyred him.